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The effect of dates on hair

Hair follicles need nutrients to grow. Dates are one of the fruits that have many elements and vitamins necessary for hair growth and health. The iron in dates is very suitable for eliminating anemia and reducing hair loss, especially for women; Because if the level of hemoglobin iron in the blood is low, the oxygen delivery to all the organs is reduced and many body cells cannot absorb enough of the necessary substances from the blood. In this way, the hair follicle is weakened and the possibility of hair loss increases. Dates have various vitamins, including vitamins of group B, A and C.


Vitamin A activates the sebaceous glands and increases the amount of sebum in the scalp. This can take over the hydration of the hair and cause hair growth. This is despite the fact that excessive consumption of vitamin A has a completely opposite result and is considered one of the reasons for hair loss.


Vitamin B causes the growth of hair follicles by increasing blood supply to the skin. Vitamin C also affects hair growth by protecting our skin and hair against free radicals and collagen formation. Deficiency of vitamin D and E in the body causes hair loss.


Properties of date kernels for hair

The ingredients of date kernels usually include carbohydrates, proteins, fat and dietary fibers. Date kernels are rich in antioxidants that prevent hair loss. Date oil is one of the date kernel products that we use to use the nutrients in it such as oleic, linoleic, lauric and palmitic acid.